Coach Sue


Coach Sue Priver is a world record setting powerlifter and librarian who helps businessmen over 40 create true intimacy in their lives. She combines her business acumen developed by working at the Harvard Business School and the mental strength & tenacity of a world record setting athlete. She provides a judgement free and empowering experience through her grounded, down to earth style. 

Coach Sue has B.A from The University of Michigan and an M.S. from Simmons College. She set multiple world records in powerlifting, including a deadlift world record of 405 lbs.

Her journey from being an intellectual, overweight, out of shape, and depressed librarian to the strongest woman in mind, body, and spirit, in her age and weight class is truly inspirational and provides a blueprint for her coaching program. Just as impressive is how she has taken the lessons learned from this experience plus her background in business to help those who struggle to take advantage of their innate gifts, skills, and talents to achieve success and happiness in their love lives.